Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Could be an interesting ride home?

Well I forgot to mention in the post yesterday that I had a small stack on my bike yesterday. Nothing serious - just a couple of scratches but I think I must have hit a small ice patch (even though it didn't feel subzero).

The forecast looks a little 'hairy' overnight. Snow and rain forecast this afternoon and I still have my slicks on on my bike! Could be interesting. I will take the trail via the lakes which has a gravel path and should hopefully give me a bit more grip but I anticipate that tomorrow could be a bus journey! Oh well - I will report in any injuries tommorrow!



Update: at 3:10 pm it has actually started snowing. It will DEFINITELY be an interesting ride home!


  1. hey guys - spain is a yes, sent you both an email about it.
    love sam

  2. Joelzy and Emma, This blog is all time. You are so teconologically advanced!!! I am a complete retard.... but I may give it a go at setting up one of my own. Well done. It kicks. Murph
