Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crooze-ing along!

Thanks to Dad and Sharyn Ireland, we have a lovely new Croozer-kid-2! We put this together last weekend and gave it a crack today. It comes in 3 different modes - currently set up in the inspiring but likely under-utilized "jogging-mode". When we get Cami a helmet we will change it to bike trailer mode, attach it to our bikes and can head off on outings and things but will likely use it daily for the barnehage (kindergarten) drop offs and pick ups! In the meantime, hopefully my back keeps on the mend and I can get out with the jogging a little more.

Here is a pic of Em and Cami on their first outing.

Thanks Dad and Sharyn for this lovely gift!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing us your purchase. Is there room for 2?? Cami looks very comfy and cosy.
    Love D&S
