Sunday, June 24, 2007

Time for a big update

Ok here we are, we haven't published a good update in a while and it is Sunday night here now and we have managed to find some time to sit down and post! A fair bit has been happening so we will keep it as brief as possible - here it is in (few) words and pictures!

A few weeks back, Cooba found a friend wandering through the back garden.

He has a few more spikes than our echidna back home but was very cute. We haven't seen him since i scared him with the camera flash.

We have also started to do a few things around the house. We bought a cool self driven lawnmower and also have put up a fence for Cooby. This is me about to start digging holes for the fencing. It is mostly done except for 2 gates and makes the garden look surprisingly bigger!

Here is the side gate section and this is a pic of the massive stump that I dug out the other week. We still haven't figured out what we are going to do with it. Any suggestions are welcome in the comments section below. Joel is keen to mount it on the wall in the entrance hall. Quite proud of it really!

Coobs helping out with the fencing project.

Here is a pic of Emma before her beauty treatments! Actually this was from the "world famous San Diego Zoo". He was pretty cool I thought and it is quite amazing how human-like their traits are.

This little bastard attacked me. Not sure why he gets his picture up as he bit me quite hard. Lucky for him I didn't drop kick him into the aviary wall!

Definitely wasn't going to kick this one - far too cute. Spitting image of a teddy bear!

These guys (sea otters) were actually my favourite at the zoo. Reminded me of Cooba I think.

So I went all the way to Sunny San Diego to see this guy - I reckon I could find one in my neighbourhood on a cold night in winter.


Pretty cool I reckon.

Me on San Diego's Mission Beach. Pretty crap compared to what we have back home in Oz - but good to get salt in my hair after so long without here in Norway (although that changed the other night at teambuilding when I went swimming sans clothing in the Fjord at midnight - at a place called 'fister' - hahaha Em).

Yes the Norwegians have these great activities whereby all the work people go away and get very drunk together and call it team building. Presumably they charge it to the oil companies also. It was in a lovely place called Fister as Emma said and was at the end of this beautiful fjord. We arrived by boat and went on these inflatable high powered boats. We had a ball flying along at close to 50 knots jumping over other boats wakes. Here is Al and me having fun up the front.

Here is another Noggie tradition. Polser on a stick. It is basically a sausage, poked along the end of a stick with dough wrapped around it. They tasted pretty good actually - mind you when you have free beer in an amazing location anything would taste pretty good. We had to build these rafts and race them along this fjord - needless to say we won and had a great time. What a way to spend 2 working days!

Anyway, thats about the update for now. Looks like a busy couple of weeks. I'm off to Amsterdam on Wednesday to check out this vessel we are using for our project and then down to Southern Norway (Langesund) the week after to lift our 100 Tonne template we are installing onto a barge and transported up the coast to Stavanger. Lots of excitement - although staying at home and working on the house and garden is pretty good fun as well.

Don't forget to leave comments - we love hearing from you.

Dicko and Em - we tried calling you at home the other day - let us know what evening on a weekend you will be home and we'll give you another buzz.

Oh yeah - go the mighty tigers!


  1. Hi Guys,

    Great work again on your blog.I think you should fashion that stump into a really impractical coffee table or alternatively spend your evenings on the back porch whittling it into something that can go straight to the poolroom : )

    Take care FZACT xx

  2. Hi team - great photos as usual. Watch Bretts play last night with your entire family and friends in Frankston. Was really good. I am seeing it again on Friday in Dandenong.
    Had a great weekend just gone at McCrae with Belinda Hugh Theresa and Andrew, big poker night and a huge roast cooked by belinda. Brett is off to hobart this weekend, then back for one night before going off for over 2 weeks.
    I am off to NZ skiing whilst he is away, a spa weekend and to the dandenongs with Belinda. When he gets back we're moving intogether which will be good, as carting my stuff everywhere is annoying.
    Anyway good to hear your updates. You two should really get on to facebook. I think sally, theresa, andrew, me, brett and a few others are on there. Its so much better than bebo. Big love to cooby

  3. Sam it sounds like you are making the most of winter in Melbourne, skiing, visits to the dandenongs and good food, good company and good gambling at McCrae. Perfect! I'm sure you won't miss Brettos at all ;). I will look into this Facebook thingo - its quite big over here too I think. There was an outcry at Joel's work when the IT dept banned access!

  4. I think its still banned here at S-Club-7

    Thank god isn't blocked!
