Norwegian Fathers day today! Thank you to my darling daughter for bringing me a coffee in bed along with some freshly cooked ANZAC cookies! Yum. I was also surprised with a beautiful set of paintings that Cami had done for me.
Thanks to my amazing wifey for helping Cami with all of this. I am a very lucky daddy!
Cami's artwork for her Daddy!
Cami also spoiled me by having a long sleep in the afternoon which allowed me to work on Brutus. Today I made a jig for my grinder that allowed me to make near perfect circular holes in the top of my kegs for the keggles. So today I cut the 3 lids off the kegs and then got a flap disc onto the edges for a nice and safe and neat finish. I plan to weld a handle into the 3 lids and will probably flatten and bend the pick-up tubes from the original kegs and make a nice stainless handle for the lids. I will also need to weld off the opening from the old keg valves. So this is the stomach of Brutus where the wort will be created from pure Norwegian water and crushed malted barley.

The jig for the grinder to make a perfect circle - grinders are as scary as chainsaws!
Close up of the jig - I was still a little nervous using this but it all worked out OK.
First lid cut off - the cutting disc caught in a few spots and gave a few rough edges, but all in all pretty good.
With what will be the lid of the keggle.
The pick-up tubes I will modify and use as a handle for the lids.
The second keg I did was the most perfect - must have got impatient by the third!
All 3 keg lids cut off - just need some buffing up with the flap-disc.
And this is the stainless square section that will form the skeleton of Brutus - next weekends task!
Happy Father's Day to all the lucky Dad's in Norway today!
Like father like son - or the other way around. The grinder reminds me of something other Irelands would do - Pa, Dad etc. Well done we arefollowing along Love D&S