Friday, April 18, 2008

Being Engaged

One of the best, most fun and amazing things about being engaged is that virtually everybody in our lives, from our nearest and dearest to those we might not have seen or spoken to in years, have contacted us to offer their congratulations. It is truly astounding and fantastic. I’m actually addicted to the messages and find myself checking my email, facebook and our blog each morning with so much excitement and anticipation to get my ‘hit’! I think this has really helped make me feel very connected to friends and family back home, as in an ideal world we would be hanging out and clinking the champagne glasses right about now (having imported all our Norwegian friends to Melbourne of course! I did say it was an ‘ideal’ world!). Fortunately we did plenty of that on Saturday night with all our Norwegian friends, and will continue to do so over the coming days/weeks.


I think now the adrenaline and ‘spaced out’ feeling has now dissipated, but what remains is a very content and happy feeling. As much as I’ve always thought and felt that Joel and I would always be together, I look at him with a different feeling now – this man will be my husband!  That takes a little getting used to, even after 4 years, a home we own together, shared bank accounts and our little guy Cooba, who will soon no longer be the ‘illegitimate child’ - kinda!


We’ve been thinking and talking about how/when/where we might get married, but have decided that at least for the next few weeks we’re going to put those thoughts to the side and just enjoy being engaged and celebrating that. Suffice to say one decision that we have made is that we will get married in or near Melbourne, so rest easy - you don’t need to buy the thermal underwear for a trip to Norway after all. Or at least not for a wedding, but perhaps a visit anyway??!


Thank you all so much for helping us celebrate and making this such an amazing experience. I would love to rewind to Saturday and do it all again, it has been so much fun. So thank you thank you thank you!!




PS. Picking up the ring on Tuesday, can’t wait!

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