Last night we went on ANOTHER team building exercise. This one was for the project I am working on and involved Statoil (the main oil company in Norway), Acergy (our opposition - but who we are working on the project with) and Subsea7 (my company obviously). There was about 20 of us in total and we arrived at 5pm at a nice bar/restaurant on the waterfront called Timbuktu. We were greeted with sparkling and beers and appertizers. We then went to the beach volleyball competition which is set up in the Stavanger harbour. They even have these massive North Sea barges set up in the harbour with courts on them. The cruise ships moor right up beside the stadium and everyone on the top deck has a free prime seat view of the action. It is pretty cool.
Anyway we went to the main stadium to watch 2 matches involving the Norwegian male teams! Yes I can hear you scream "When you are in Norway why on earth would you be watching the Male teams?" Well the answer is that the Project Manager for the job is female. Needless to say if I had been organising it we would have been attending different matches! It is amazing how energetic the crowd is and how it fires everyone up - it is an awesome atmosphere.
Anyway after watching the two Norway teams win (we cheered hard for them - Noggie Noggie Noggie - Oi Oi Oi was a popular chant) we went back to Timbuktu ... where we stayed until god knows what time! Another good sized headache this morning was proof that the team is building fantastically well!
Here is some action from the Stavanger Beach Volleyball from previous years (found it on youtube).
Here are some more shots from Fister last week where we had our team building.

Here is our team winning the raft paddling race. We had to design, build, and race these rafts.

A proud winner of his first Norwegian "rowing" race!

The winners with their magnum of Moet!

Singalong in Fister. Many lubricating ales were needed to get things going - unfortunately it didn't help my guitar playing - but then again I think it helped the listening!

Some very tired work colleagues on the boat trip back to the office.
I almost forgot. I went to Holland for the day on Wednesday. I had to survey this new vessel we have been having built and are using it for its first project in July. It was a tiring but fantastic trip. The boat is pretty special and is bloody big (and shiny!). It has a sauna, big gymnasium (with concept II rowers for those with oars in the brains), and all big and fancy big boys toys (400 Te crane and another two 40 Te ones on deck, etc).
Here is a pic of her.
I went with Al from work and we managed to zip into Amsterdam to have a look around. That place is insane! We went and had a look around at the red light district and it was a massive eye-opener! Prostitutes are everywhere and dance in the windows of all the shopfronts of their "offices" with practically nothing on. Lots of bars and cafes everywhere with action a-plenty. There was even a funeral procession along the main strip (pun unintended) of the red light district! Nuts! Anyway we took a bunch of pics but not many of them are suitable for the G-rating of the blog - but i might sneak one or two up when I am at home.
I'm flying to Langesund (about 2 hours Southwest of Oslo) on Sunday for a couple of days. I am responsible for getting this big 100 Te template (a big hunk of steel used on the bottom of the ocean for producing oil and gas) onto a barge and shipping it up the coast (about 24 hours by Tug) to Stavanger where we will then lift it off and store it on our quayside until the big shiny red boat arrives in late July to pick it up and install it offshore. Should be fun. I'll post some pics.
Anyway - go the mighty Tigers. Snakkes!
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