Yesterday was equally as lovely. Ryan came round for a visit to our new house. We cracked a couple of Nøgne Ø Wit Øl bottles open along with a special treat from Ryan of his Bundy cans which he has been saving - cheers mate. Here is a pic of us relaxing after a BBQ on the deck in the sun.
I also did a mountain bike race Sunday morning. It was 50km long and was fantastic - great fun and beautiful scenery although I didn't have the pleasure of enjoying the scenery too much as I was working pretty hard to stay up with the leaders. It was very a enjoyable way to spend the Sunday morning. Emma and Cooba also came and while I was racing they went for a lovely walk with Bråstein and through the Figgjoelva (Figgjo River) which Cooba loved.
I also managed to get out that beast of a stump on Saturday. It took a lot of effort, swearing, chainsaw fuel, patience (something I lack at the best of times) and persistence but I finally got it out. Emma did a fantastic job weeding also so we will nearly be ready to put our fence up for Cooba. We actually bought all of the materials on the weekend so hopefully I can get a chance to put it up soon. It is actually very similar to the Nes's (Tracey & Kids) fence in Tassie so we will be very happy with it we think.
I am off to San Diego on Friday for a week. I am presenting at an offshore conference titled Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2007. Subsea7 were fantastic in supporting me to go but I think that Yuiry Drobyshevski should take most of the credit. He was my fantastic industry supervisor for my thesis last year and he put an incredible amount of time into the paper (which he is co-author of - as is Gregor MacFarlane who was my other brilliant supervisor) so I am fortunate enough to have both Yuriy and Subsea7 in my reach for this experience. It will be a bit daunting but hopefully it goes OK.
Here is a picture of the object that spawned this thesis and conference presentation.
Anyway till next time - have it good!
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