Friday, April 22, 2011

9 weeks and counting!

Cami is now 9 weeks old and is just going from strength to strength. We continue to notice and appreciate the change in her since she turned 6 weeks old. Looking back on that time we think wow - that was tough. Our sister in law Fraze said that the 6 week mark was a milestone and things can improve quite a bit, and how right she was. Cami is now in her own bedroom and we’re able to settle her in the evening between about 7 and 8pm and she will sleep until around 2, or if we’re lucky she’ll even last a few hours longer than that. The two biggest improvements are that she’s happier during the days – whereas before she’d be always grizzling or crying during her awake time, now she is very content and smiling and can happily sit in her bouncinette. The other big change is settling her to sleep. It used to take aaaaaggggeeeesssss and you could only put her down in her cot once she was really truly dead asleep. Now after a cuddle we can put her down and more often than not she will drop off to sleep on her own. This is a huge improvement and it has given us back our evenings and also makes the night feeds much easier.

We’re really enjoying our little girl. She is growing more alert and interacting more all the time. Lots of eye contact, smiles, she is just so unbelievably cute! Joel and I are feeling a bit more in ‘control’ of our daily routine now and understand her signals much better – when is she tired/hungry etc. We’ve also picked up some tricks (or maybe she has gotten used to the things we do to calm her) so now when she’s crying and upset we can sooth her more easily. We find putting her upright cuddling against our shoulder/chest, shooshing and doing squats really helps. We saw a midwife do it in the hospital and it worked brilliantly so we’ve been doing it ever since. Not a bad leg/butt work out either for us!

Joel’s mum Bernadette is visiting us at the moment. It has been wonderful to see her with Cami, her third granddaughter. She adores her and I think the feeling is mutual. She has been a big help to us and Joel has taken holidays while she’s visiting so it has been great. My parents are due in a couple of weeks too, and to say my mum is excited to meet her first grandchild would be a bit of an understatement!

Off now to enjoy some beautiful easter sunshine. Enjoy the holiday everyone!

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