Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Emma's Bucket List

So I've been following some blogs lately, one of my latest addictions (in this instance http://www.mightygirl.com/) , and was inspired by one of the posts to start my own Bucket List, as in things I plan to do in life before I kick the.....

you get the idea.

So I'm just starting off and I'm sure will be adding to this a lot over the years (and hopefully crossing some off too). Some are lofty and expensive (...well most of them!), some are simple and free (gotta find some more of those ones!). I just thought sharing this might actually raise the stakes a bit and give me that extra motivation to get off my butt and actually achieve some of these things.

I'd love to hear if you have anything you would add to your bucket list, or if you have one of your own.

I plan to get off to a good start tonight and sign Joel and I up for child sponsorship - our wedding present to each other - which we've been meaning to do for ages. Number 38 - Tick!

  1. Go on safari in Africa
  2. Get my PADI diving certificate
  3. Try snowboarding
  4. Skydive or bungee jump
  5. Make a quilt
  6. Learn to pick up a dropped stitch (knitting)
  7. Bake a sponge cake (completed for Regina's baby shower)
  8. Take a wine course
  9. Swim with dolphins
  10. Go in a hot air balloon
  11. Be a mum
  12. Start my own business
  13. Renovate a house
  14. Live by the sea
  15. Hike into Macchu Picchu
  16. Own a holiday house (other than McCrae!)
  17. Stop chewing/picking my nails/fingers
  18. See the grand canyon
  19. Play poker in Vegas
  20. See the running of the bulls in Pamplona
  21. Go parasailing behind a boat
  22. Have a walk in wardrobe
  23. Take a short barista course
  24. Own a convertible
  25. Sail around the Greek Islands
  26. Eat tapas in Spain
  27. See the pyramids
  28. Scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef
  29. Grow a vegetable garden
  30. Have a compost bin
  31. Learn to stand up on a surfboard
  32. Sing in a choir
  33. Be in a murder mystery party
  34. See the Northern Lights
  35. Visit Antarctica
  36. Stay at a health spa
  37. Do a road trip along the coast in California

  38. Sponsor a child in need

  39. See Uluru at sunrise and sunset
  40. Eat one 100% vegetarian dinner a week


  1. I don't believe that you never baked a sponge cake!

    Too bad that me and Ulf did not buy that murder-mystery dinner kit we where so close to buying in Melbourne. Ended up agreeing that everyone back home would think we where crazy if we suggeested that for an evening!

  2. Love it! You guys really need to go to the US for an adventure trip by the sounds of things ;-) Good on you for sponsoring a child, that's great!

    PS! You can come and (try to) walk in my wardrobe any day!

  3. i can help with number one...

  4. Does brownies and wasabi nuts count as a vegetarian dinner?

  5. I did #21 in Langkawi... it was awesome. Having said that, most of those beachside ones are run by total cowboys, the sum total of my instructions were:

    1. When I say run, run (takeoff)
    2. When I blow the whistle, pull the ropes that have the red tag on them (that's how you land back on the beach)
    3. When I say, let go of the red tag ropes, let go (that's how you don't smack into the sand at 100km an hour)

    And I still landed arse first in the water, funnily enough? Ian's parachute ropes got caught around a buoy and he got submerged and spun around underwater as part of his take-off, and our friend Dan got bruised heels after a strong wind on landing!!

    All that aside though... DO IT!!!!!! Would do it again in a heartbeat....

    Love the list.... is 'move back to Melbourne' at #41?? ;-)


  6. You may be able to tick off No.26 if our plans to meet Joel and yourself in Barcelona in August work out.

    Love Sharyn and John XX
