It was May 17th yesterday - Norway's national day. Would love to write a wordy detail of the day but won't. Instead will do a picture narrative. As such:
Ryan, Åsmund (host of lovely breakfast in his traditional Bunad) and me all suited up in the garden of Åsmund & Marieta's house.
Couple of lovely Norwegian friends of Åsmunds - in Bunads.
Noggie flags were out in force yesterday!
Local kids out in the street for the parades - Ice Creams and Hot Pølsers were the way of the day.
The "Russ" parade was interesting where all the year 12's finishing (most of them were drunk) paraded down the street - massive crowds attended this and every parade on the day.
More intersting Russ characters!
Typical of crowds on the day - all this in little Stavanger!
All of the Russ's give out these cards with their photo on it and a little message (often crude) and all the kids clamour for them. Emma actually got one from some hunky Norwegian 18 year old!
This was one of the old police cars (an old Volvo) that was part of the start of the "People's" parade in the afternoon - although I wasn't quite convinced that it wasn't still in service!
Part of the peoples parade - cool helmets hey!
Very cute kid in a rat outfit in the parade!
One of the only specimens of the rare Norwegian camel.
More cute kids singing - check our the hair on the kid to the left - i think he might be a baby troll!
Usual marching bands were in attendance.
Fancy meeting this ice-hockey team in a dark alley?
Even dogs were in the parade.
Smart-a$$ 8 year old!!!!
Emma and I at the parade.
Even had oil company bands (Conoco-Philips).
Wearing proper PPE (personal protective equipment) of course - ear plugs and all.
They had the rugby club ...
... and the rowing club (tempting to join actually).
I think this was a demonstration of Laerdal's latest stretcher technique!
And finished with a skydiving display ...
... into ...
... the lake!
We had a great day for our first Mai 17th. Incidentally May 17th celebrates Norways signing of the Constitution, and I think it is where they stole a Danish Prince (not crown prince and I think Denmark was happy to be rid of him!) to be their King. Ahhh ... Scandinavian rivalry!
Gratulerer med dagen!
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