It drives really well even if Emma and I don't! It is left hand drive and has both the winter tyres with metal spikes for driving in the snow and ice as well as the summer tyres.
However, the road rules over here are crazy. Obviously the driving on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the road is bizarre enough, but the road rules are also a spin out. Essentially if someone pulls out from a side street you have to give way to them, unless you are on a priority road which is crazy hard to identify. So you can be cruising along at 60, and someone pulls out and you have to stop for them or risk a $1000 fine! Also there are absolutely billions, if not hundreds of zebra crossings all over the place where people are calmly walking along the side of the road and suddenly they decide to cross and you have to slam on your brakes to avoid them or similarly risk a $1000 fine. Luck we have ABS brakes, but it is actually quite fun to do this as a pedestrian and watch everyone slam on their brakes! A fun game to play!
Anyway, if we don't manage to kill ourselves or pedestrians we plan to do a bit of weekend driving and explore the wider world of fjords, valleys, mountains, ski fields, ferry crossings, islands, etc etc that will have us plenty busy on the weekends.
Here is a pic of the happy family in front of their car - also in front of our house (or out the back actually) where we park our car.
Till next time, Med venlig hilsen (best regards).
Jeg har det flott (Life is great).

Gday Joel & Emma
ReplyDeleteRoad rules never applied to you in Tassie Joel so you should just stuff the Traffic Polce into the hatch of the Polo and then dump them in a snow drift or Elk feed trough.
Were all the umbrellas in the earlier Pics in that state because they had been involved in a traffic accident with the front of the Polo on the wrong side of the road?
Looks fricking freezing over their Mister bigglesworth. Its going to be 38 here in Melbourne this weekend. Looking forward to a bout of Singstar at Haggy and Cats this Saturday. it can be safely said about me "Cant sing, cant dance - can drink".
Em and I visited Rutherglen and the Rogers in Albury again this past weekend and have decided on St Leonards for the Wedding. Lock it in Expat Aussies.Em has been talking about getting over to europe with her job so look out for a possible roundevous.
Francis & Emily