So I will bring you all up to date.
So in our last posts we had just been to the Laerdal cabin at Knaben, and Joel had taken Sally and Håkon up to Preikestolen. Sal was really so lucky with the weather she had in

Emma and Sally in the candleshop in the mountains.
The next major event was of course Christmas. We ( ‘I’ really – Emma) made the house look quite festive with a REAL fir tree (not the pine tree branches we use in
Christmas over here is really taken seriously. I think its something everyone looks forward to in the middle of a dark and cold winter. In a way I think its lucky that over here you get to have a second focal point in the year – in Oz we have summertime, holidays and Christmas all at once, I quite like the European approach where it’s stretched out a bit. And of course it’s so much more fun to indulge in all the food and drinks knowing you don’t have to be in a bikini next week…
Christmas Day.
Virtually every house has a light in the window (so of course to fit in with the Jones’ we put up a lit star in our window!), and a wreath on the door. There are traditional Christmas cookies (no less than 7 varieties!) which are baked and shared among friends and colleagues. We had a great afternoon with friends in a ‘pepperkakehus’ competition (gingerbread house), we didn’t win with our Sydney Opera House design, but got extra cred for our curved roof (created by carefully moulding sections straight from the oven around an upturned bowl). The engineer’s handiwork of course!

Work of art!
Christmas day itself was really fun. It was a very hectic morning with lots of phone calls to friends and family back home, amidst preparing a turkey with all the trimmings (our first time!). Ryan and Sally were a huge help to Joel and I in getting everything ready, it was really a team effort. A friend Pete also joined us for our ‘orphans christmas’. He’s an Aussie who studied at AMC with Joel and Ryan.
Ryan looking festive with a sprig of holly from our garden.
Ready for our present opening session.
Pete and Emma - pre-lunch snack of smoked salmon.
We predicted the present pile under the Christmas tree this year would be a bit smaller than usual, but it was actually huge! Thanks so much to everyone for thinking of us, and especially to Sally for transporting it all! We had a ball unwrapping everything and loved all the gifts.
The meal itself was a hit (if I do say so myself…!) the turkey turned out beautifully – cooked on the BBQ. Dad’s bread sauce recipe went down a treat, likewise mum’s stuffing and the good old Womens Weekly Cookbook came good with directions for cooking our raw smoked ham! The mince pies (bought) and plum pudding (also bought) were complemented beautifully with Grandma C’s brandy
Pudding with high quality french brandy!
The now famous turkey!
Coobs showing off his christmas hat.
We listened to music and drank lots of good wine, we even christened the couch with its first red wine spillage! We also played celebrity heads which was heaps of fun (especially after a few wines) although Joel was a bit stumped by “Mr Bennet” from Pride and Prejudice, and with good reason (good one Sal!), and I was equally stumped with Mick Fanning (the surfer)!

Later in the evening our friend Åsmud dropped in with a gift wrapped six pack of beer (which was most welcome as we had drunk the wine rack dry by this time).
The following morning we were up early (with sore heads) to prepare for our trip to
Ahhh - happy family.