Monday, July 17, 2006


This is my first blog - mostly a test to see how it all goes. I plan to write in here my story of my future Scandinavian Adventures. Emma (my partner) and I am moving to Norway (Stavanger) in early 2007 and I got the inspiration to write this from a fellow cyclist (an American) who I found on a cycling forum who was living in Stavanger. I wrote to him in July of 2006 asking some information about how bike friendly Stavanger was. Well anyway he was very informative and he showed me his blog which is really good so I thought why not try something like this so people back home can log on and see what Emma and I have been up to. So here goes.

I plan on putting as much as I can in the blog - from exciting European and Scandinavian Adventures to some of the more mundane things - including procedures for organising our overseas life (who knows it may be useful to someone down the track). Hopefully I can convince Emma to also join in on the tap-tapping away excitement (her slang for typing).

Anyway, I have a few things to do in the meantime but I plan to write soon so I can let everyone know about our plannings for Norway.

Till then - Cheers & Beers.
